Friday, August 6, 2010

Family Guy: Quagmire's Dad Not Gay, He's Transgender & Named Ida

Many press outlets have reported the following quote by Seth MacFarlane, the creator of ""Family Guy" & other shows. He also voices many of the characters on "Family Guy."

''[The unhappy reaction to our transgender character] surprised me. I don't meet a lot of stupid homosexuals. They seem to be a pretty smart bunch. But it seemed that they were not picking up on the fact that it was a very sympathetic portrayal of a transsexual character.... Look, Brian happens to be a heterosexual character, as I am. If I found out that I had slept with a transsexual, I might throw up in the same way that a gay guy looks at a vagina and goes, 'Oh, my God, that's disgusting.'''

Her's a link to the story in "MetroWeekly."

My Thoughts:

This is much ado about nothing. Mr. MacFarlane has been a vocal supporter of gay rights. I've watched several interviews he's done. First & foremost, he's a cartoon satirist. There are many funny jokes & sketches to be done about gays, lesbians, & the transgender. While the extended vomiting sequence & Quagmire's beating of Brian may be unsettling to some, these scenes are neither over the top nor out of bounds as political satire or belief. I would much rather the media spend its time creating awareness of discussing & solutions to issues such as the homelessness of gay youth, inequalities before the law, same-sex domestic violence, and unequal access to marriage.

In addition, there are many other issues that seem to me to be more important that beating up Mr. MacFarlane unfairly. let's talk about religious intolerance & violence, education, freedom, civil liberties, and corporate raiding & bailouts.

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