Thursday, August 26, 2010

No Surprise: More Gay Republicans Come Out of the Closet

Their time may be long overdue, but here they come. Some of us welcome them warmly. Others of us remain bitter about their actions in past leadership positions in the Republican party. There has been a long and continuous string of such announcements. The latest is Ken Mehlman, former RNC Chairman and Bush's 2004 campaign manager.

I welcome these folks to the "family." I'm saddened by some of their past actions and suggest they do a little more than others in an effort to make up for their past actions. I think it only fair. Being in the closet, living such a lie, does harm to individuals and to our community as a whole. However, when a closeted person does such damage to the community from a position of power, then that person really must do something to help repair the damage. Do not leave a path of destruction for the rest of us to clean up.

THE EDGE story about reaction from the political left & right:

THE NEW YORK TIMES story about Mehlman coming out:

1 comment:

  1. The Daily Show's take on Ken Mehlman:
